Tuesday, 25 November 2014 is “White Ribbon Day”, an opportunity to raise awareness and take a stand against men’s violence toward women.
White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led campaign to end men’s violence against women. Intimate violence, also referred to as domestic violence is the most common form of violence inflicted on women in Australia. White Ribbon has a vision for all women to live in safety, free from all forms of men’s violence.
The White Ribbon movement is active in more than 60 countries, campaigning through primary prevention initiatives and education to change the culture of men’s violence toward women. Domestic violence does not only affect the victims. The effects and the costs of violence against women spread through our communities and our economy.
Change to the alarming statistics of domestic violence in Australia must start at a community level. White Ribbon’s oath and education programs are primarily aimed at changing cultures and behaviours among men in Australia. The Federal Government is currently taking submissions for an inquiry and report into domestic violence in Australia. Among other considerations, the enquiry will examine how the Federal Government can support and drive the cultural and behavioural shifts required to eliminate violence against women and their children. The report is expected to be released in early March, 2015.
To read more about White Ribbon, go to http://www.whiteribbon.org.au/
To learn more about how domestic violence is defined and addressed by the legal system in Queensland, please click here, or contact us.