Chris Mills
Chris Mills leads the firm’s litigation and dispute resolution team. He has wide-ranging experience in Courts and Tribunals across several Australian jurisdiction. He is a tenacious advocate and innovative problem-solver. He draws upon the power of curiosity and relentlessly pursues new perspectives in an ever-developing legal environment.
Chris primarily focusses on strategically tailoring options for charities, not-for-profits and social enterprises in areas including company law, employment and workplace relations, insolvency, property and trusts. He has a keen interest in corporate governance and the disputes it can beget. His experience on boards and management committees of not-for-profits and sporting bodies gives him insight into how the relational dynamics of an organisation can be used to resolve disputes.
Qualifications and Memberships
- Bachelor of Laws (UQ) 2013
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice 2013
- Master of Business (by Research) (QUT) 2018
- Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland
- Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
- Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Member, Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand

Selected Publications
Mills, C, (2024) Legal Considerations in Admissions, a presentation for Educate Plus, 18 March 2024.
Mills, C, (2024) The Essential Alignment between People, Policies and Practices, presentation at Associated Christian Schools 2024 Workplace Relations Conference, 23 August 2024.
Mills, C, (2024) Key Regulatory and Governance Challenges – Tax and Board Supervision of Management, presentation at the Governance, Safety and Privacy Challenges in Religious Institutions Seminar by Legalwise in Sydney, 21 November 2024.
Mills, C, (2023) Faith-based Work Arrangements: How the ground is shifting and what you need to know, presentation at Christian Management Australia Conference, Tuesday, 6 June 2023.
Mills, C, (2023) Difficult Conversations, presentation at Associated Christian Schools 2023 Workplace Relations Conference, 8 June 2023.
Mills, C, (2023) It’s All Relative: Conflict of Interest Disclosure in Religious Institutions, presentation at the 5th Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference by TEN, 5 October 2023.
Mills, C, (2023) Working for the Church: When shared expectations become legal obligations, presentation at the Empowering Religious-Based Institutions: Legal Insights and Practical Solutions Conference by Legalwise in Sydney, 30 November 2023.
Kilroy, D, Mills, C and Andrews, L (2022) Government Supervision of Funding Agreements and the Sisters Inside Case, webinar held by Community Legal Centres Queensland, 20 October 2022.
Mills, C, (2022) Being Prepared for the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board, presentation at the Associated Christian Schools 2022 Workplace Relations Conference, 16 June 2022.
Turnour, M and Mills, C (2020) The Wisdom of Solomon: Dispute Resolution in Faith Based Organisations, presentation at the Second Annual Law of Religious Institutions Conference held by TEN, 8 September 2020.
Mills, C (2018) Bargain or Benefice? Understanding the legal relationship between an Australian church and its clergy, Masters by Research thesis, Queensland University of Technology.