Dr Matthew Turnour
Dr Matthew Turnour is a Director and the Chairman of Neumann & Turnour Lawyers and the head of the firm’s Corporate Governance and Charity Law departments.
Dr Turnour has almost 40-years of experience across the business, government and not for profit sectors. His legal experience is uniquely wide and deep having practiced in many areas of law including land development, insolvency, criminal law, compliance, litigation, and charities. Currently much of his work is in governance, legal-structuring, complex trusts, tax, and fiduciary law. As he has served as a company director of many companies, and as a leader of many charities he brings to his advice practical experience from the perspective of the client. He is listed in Chambers Asia-Pacific Best Lawyers – Charities & Not-for-profits and has been recognised by the Queensland Law Society with President’s Medal, Outstanding Contribution Award.
Qualifications and Memberships
- Bachelor of Economics (UQ) 1982
- Bachelor of Laws (UQ) 1985
- Master of Arts (Research) (QUT) 2000
- Doctorate of Philosophy (QUT) 2010
- Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award (QUT) 2010
- Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland
- Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
- Honorary Senior Fellow of Melbourne Law School
- Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Institute of Leaders and Managers
- Sessional Crime and Corruption Commissioner for Queensland
- The Australian Parliament appointed him as one of four panelists to review the legislation establishing the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission.
- Listed in Chambers Asia-Pacific Best Lawyers
- International Advisory Board Member of Cambridge Governance Labs, Hughes Hall, Cambridge

Selected Publications
Turnour, Matthew D, (2021) presentation to Symposium on ‘Challenges in Non-Profit Law Since the 1990s, Liverpool University Charity Law and Policy Unit Conference paper, Monday 17th Tuesday 18th June 2023 (Forthcoming)
Turnour, Matthew ‘Chapter 2, Charity Regulation in an International Context’, in Governance and Regulation of Charities International and Comparative Perspectives, Edited by Rosemary Teele Langford, Edward Elgar Publishing London. England. United Kingdom.
Turnour, Matthew D, Ethical decision-making frameworks in practice Webinar for Australian Institute of Company Directors Thursday, 23 November 2023.
Turnour M, Public Enemy No.1? The Demonisation of Private Benefit in Charity Regulation, 11th Annual Charities and Not-for-profits Conference by TEN held in Melbourne, Australia.
Turnour Matthew D, ‘Integrity regulation for not-for-profit boards: proportionate, fair and effective’, presentation in the Philanthropy and Financial Crime stream of 39th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime held at Jesus College, Cambridge. Tuesday, 6 September 2022.
Turnour, Matthew D. & McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2022) Fundraising law reform: From Anheier’s Civil Society Diamond to a principled jurisprudence. Chapter 9 in Hoelscher et al Charting Global Challenges: Civil Society, the Nonprofit Sector, and Culture, Springer
Turnour M., McGregor-Lowndes M. (2022) Common Law and Civil Society. In: List R.A., Anheier H.K., Toepler S. (eds) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99675-2_32-1
Turnour Matthew D, & Shalders Elizabeth A (2022) “Commentary on ‘Public Benefit and Public Policy’ Keeping up with Discrimination?” in Harding & Halliday Daniel, Charity Law: Exploring the Concept of Public Benefit. Routledge (forthcoming)
Turnour, Matthew D, (2021) ‘Charity insolvency: Discerning the wider implications of recent developments in Australia’, Liverpool University Charity Law and Policy Unit Conference paper, Monday 29 November 2021, 9:00 – 12:00pm (GMT), 7:00pm – 10:00pm (AEST)
Turnour, Matthew D. (2020) Should Australians Have a Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Associations Act? Company and Securities Law Journal, 37(4), pp. 279-290.
Turnour, Matthew D. & McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2019) Fundraising law reform: From Anheier’s Civil Society Diamond to a principled jurisprudence. Working paper no.71 (This working paper includes discussion of Federalism in an Australian context which is not in the chapter published in 2022 of the same name.)
McClure, Patrick, Hammond, Gregory, McCluskey, Su, Strengthening for purpose: Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Legislation Review Parliament of Australia Report available at Strengthening for Purpose: Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Legislative Review 2018 | Treasury.gov.au
Turnour Matthew D. (2017) ‘Six Themes Informing Australian Perspectives on International Philanthropy’ Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference 2017, Melbourne University 27 July 2017
Aroney Nicholas and Turnour, Matthew D. ‘Charities are the New Constitutional Law Frontier’ (June 15, 2017). Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 41, 2017. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2987585
Turnour, Matthew D. ‘Trustee and Directors’ Duties – Ensuring Compliance 24/7’ Fifth Annual Not for Profits and Charities Regulatory Conference Thursday 11 May 2017 The Langham Hotel, Melbourne
Turnour, Matthew D. ‘Taxation and charity law in China’ 中国税收与慈善法 Presentation at Beijing Normal University, Beijing China, 9 August 2016
Turnour, Matthew D. ‘Regulating religion: Four factors for reflection’ Australasian Christian Legal Convention, Brisbane 29 September – 1 October, 2016
Turnour, Matthew D. ‘Reflecting on the Origins of World Charity Day 5 September 2016’ Pro Bono Australia
Turnour, Matthew D. (2015) ‘Managing Assets in Trading Charities: US, UK and Australian regulatory responses’ Presented: 20 September 2015 Charity Fair, Shenzhen, China
Brody, Evelyn, Breen, Oonagh B., McGregor-Lowndes, Myles, & Turnour, Matthew (2015) An unrelated income tax for Australia? In Hoque, Zahirul & Parker, Lee (Eds.)
Turnour Matthew D. (2015) ‘Charitable Status, Advocacy and advancement of religion: an Australian perspective’, Charity Law & Policy Unit, School of Law and Social Justice University of Liverpool, Liverpool England, Thursday 21 May 2015.
Turnour, Matthew & Turnour, Elizabeth (2014) Archimedes, aid/watch, constitutional levers and where we now stand. In Harding, O’Connell, & Stewart, Miranda (Eds.) Not-for-Profit Law. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 37-60.
Turnour, Matthew (2014) ‘Tax design, international philanthropy and the “in Australia” special conditions’ Taxation in Australia Vol 49(6).
“Charitable choices: What fate awaits the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission?” – Published in Proctor by the Queensland Law Society.
“An unrelated income tax for Australia?” – Book Chapter with Brody, Evelyn; Breen, Oonagh; and McGregor-Lowndes, Myles in Performance Management in Nonprofit Organizations: Global Perspectives.
“The regulation of charities and NFPs: Some thoughts for charity and NFP law masters subject 2014” – Paper presented at the University of Melbourne for students of Charity and Not-for-profit Law: Current Issues (password access only).
“Court decision points the way to DGR category simplification” – Article published by Pro Bono Australia.
“Render what as tax through which Caesar? A conciliatory contribution to the discussion” – Article published by the Faith In Business Quarterly Journal.
“Archimedes, Aid/Watch, constitutional levers and where we now stand” – Book chapter with Turnour, Elizabeth in Not-for-Profit Law – Published by Cambridge University Press.
“Accounting to Caesar for profits unrelated to the common good” – Paper with Brody, Evelyn; Breen, Oonagh; and McGregor-Lowndes, Myles – Presented at La Trobe University.
Turnour, Matthew Dwight & McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2012) Taxing charities: reform without reason? Taxation in Australia, 47(2), pp. 74-77.
Turnour, Matthew D. & McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2012) Wrong way go back! Rediscovering the path for charity law reform. UNSWLJ, 35(3), pp. 810-845.
Turnour Matthew D. (2011) Submission on the scoping study for a national not-for-profit regulator Treasury submission.
McGregor-Lowndes, Myles, Turnour, Matthew D., & Turnour, Elizabeth (2011) Not for profit income tax exemption : is there a hole in the bucket, dear Henry? Australian Tax Forum, 26(4), pp. 601-631.
McGregor-Lowndes, Myles & Turnour, Matthew D. (2011) Options for the development of the New Zealand Law of Charities.
Turnour, Matthew D. (2010) Submission No 1 to the Senate Inquiry into Charities and Public Benefit: An Inquiry Arising from Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010.
Turnour, Matthew D. (2010) Modernising charity : steps to an alternative architecture for common law charity jurisprudence. In McGregor-Lowndes, Myles & O’Halloran, Kerry (Eds.) Modernising charity law : recent developments and future directions.
Turnour Matthew and McGregor-Lowndes, Myles. (2010) (Video Recording) Appearances at the Senate Standing Legislation Committee: Economics Committee on the Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010
Turnour, Matthew D. “Beyond charity : outlines of a jurisprudence for civil society” – PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.
Turnour, Matthew & McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2010) Common law and civil society. In List, R A, Anheier, H K, & Toeplar, S (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer, United States of America, pp. 509-513.
McGregor-Lowndes, Myles and O’Connell Hood, Margi and Paxton-Hall, Paul and Bennett, Steve and Creyton, Mark and Morgan, Diane and Turnour, Matthew and Cheverton, Jeff and Knight, Ruth (2006) Developing your organisation: For Queensland incorporated associations” Published by the Queensland University of Technology.
Turnour Matthew D. AND McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2006) “Why go beyond charity to a jurisprudence for civil society?” – Conference paper with– Presented in Proceedings Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research 8th Biennial Conference: Navigating New Waters, at Adelaide.
Turnour Matthew and McGregor-Lowndes, Myles (2003) “Recent developments in government community service relations: Are you really my partner?” Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government 9(1), pp. 31-42.
Turnour, Matthew D. (2003) ‘Locating Associations in Civil Society: One Step Towards a Unifying Framework’ (Paper presented at the Business Names Conference, Level 26, 111 George Street, Brisbane, Qld, 11 October 2002)
Turnour Matthew D. (1999) “The stewardship paradigm : An enquiry into the ethical obligation associated with being in control of resources” – Master of Arts by Research Thesis, Queensland University of Technology.